Oil and Gas Pumps - Chemical Metering Pumps
AcuFlow is a chemical metering pumps manufacturer for the upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas markets. Our hydraulically balanced diaphragm metering pumps provide accurate chemical injection for the oil and gas industry.
Chemical metering pumps for oilfield, pipeline, and refining applications include:
- Injecting corrosion inhibitors
- High pressure chemical pumps
- Pumping alkalies to adjust the pH of sour gas or crude oil to reduce corrosion
- Injecting sludge inhibitors for fuel oils
- Pumping additives for bacteria control in water for well flooding
- Caustic soda to crude oils or soured gasoline for rerun through cracking stills
- Sampling feedstocks, jet fuels, gasolines, and intermediates for analysis
- Chemical desalting of crude (crude oil emulsions)
- Pumping metal deactivators (antioxidants) to eliminate gum formations in gasolines
- Antiknock additives and alcohol introduction to gasoline
- Metering acid injection pump for polymerization, etc.
- Introducing lubricants to gas lines
- Anti-icing additives for jet fuels
- Chemical feed pumps for water treatment
- Gasoline color additives