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Wastewater Treatment Chemical Pumps

Wastewater treatment plant

AcuFlow (formerly HydroFlo) is a US manufacturer of metering pumps, dosing pumps, and chemical feed systems for the municipal and industrial wastewater treatment industries.

  • Pumping sodium hypochlorite for disinfection and caustic and cyanide removal
  • Lime slurries for pH control (corrosion control) and coagulation
  • Ferric chloride and alum injection for coagulation
  • Copper sulfate injection for algae control
  • Pumping activated carbon or diatomaceous earth slurries for odor and color control
  • Pumping caustic soda (NaOH) for metal removal, pH control, and cyanide removal
  • Anionic and cationic polymer injection for phosphate removal, coagulation and filtration

Wastewater Treatment Chemical Metering Pumps