You seldom use a metering pump by itself. You need many if not all of these accessories based upon your application:
- Back Pressure Valve
- Safety Relief Valve
- Calibration Column
- Inlet Strainer
- Pressure Gauge
- Pulsation Dampeners
- Injection Quills, etc.
Shopping around for these accessories could be time consuming and complex when you are trying to match the material of the wetted parts, connection sizes and pressure capabilities. Then when you finally have it all put together and something is not working as expected, the blame game begins. It’s the pump‘s fault, no it is the valves‘ fault, or may be the pressure gauge or calibration column is not accurate. Call all these vendors who conveniently blame every other component except theirs.
To solve this common problem AquFlow provides a complete set of matching accessories. Just ask for these accessories when you order the pump. So it all comes together and ready to use. In the unlikely event something does not work, you only need to call one company – AquFlow. Please call us and ask us to email you the brochure for these accessories.