Chemical Metering Pumps are seldom used by themselves. They are usually a part (ok, the part) of chemical skid systems. Such systems require various accessories, valves and controls to dispense the exact amount of chemicals demanded by the application which may itself vary. Let us say if you are using chemical pump to achieve pH balance for the water. You need to measure the pH of the treated water and based on it decide if you need more acid to be injected. Such controls require you not only to monitor, measure and control but also to adjust dynamically as the conditions change. You need to have the flow meters, PLCs and valves all communicate with each other and deliver the desired result which in this case may be a pH value of 7 for the treated water. This is just one of the many applications including fertilizer dispensing, disinfectant chemicals for water, anti-scalant for pipes or boilers, anti-corrosion chemicals for oil extraction etc. etc. |
The end-user either has to figure out all the various components he / she needs, then make sure they all are compatible and communicate with each other and start buying each one perhaps from different sources. Then put this together in a way that is most efficient and make it work. If something goes wrong then deal with various suppliers who usually are quick to blame someone else’s component for the problem. It just becomes a complex headache. Many end users have figured out that it is far better to buy the complete systems from one manufacturer. Usually the pump is the most complex and central part of the system and AquFlow has tried and tested skid systems for many of the above applications. We have over a period of time developed systems with matching accessories and controls including PLCs that can be controlled remotely through a computer or mobile phone. These turn-key systems have proven to be time and money savers due to the track record of performance and dependability that is matched only by the pumps we have been making since 1972. |